White waves in background

Weston College Learners & Staff Success at Charity Santa Run


Weston College students and staff turned out in force to support the annual ‘Santa Express Run’ last year! 

Organised by our very own lecturer Nicola Stent, the run takes place on Burnham beach in aid of charities. This year, funds were being raised for Young lives Vs Cancer, Love Musgrove and someone from Burnham who needs to raise money for a bionic arm. 

Tug of War

The event raised an incredibly impressive grand total of £3,924.75! £600 of this figure was raised by Weston College learners, meaning a huge congratulations is in order for them for their generosity and dedication. The students helped to organise runners, play music and assist with refreshments.  

Learners looking at the camera

Lecturer & run organiser Nicola Stent said: “we are so proud of our Weston college learners who chose to come along to volunteer, run and promote the event. The attitudes of the learners were outstanding! It was so inspiring to witness the teamwork, comradery and collaboration between different courses and Level 2 and 3 of Public Services.” 

This event was a huge effort to set up and organise so a big congratulations and thank you must go to Nicola for organising it!  

To find out more about our public services courses, click here.


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