Carpentry and Joinery in Construction (Level 2 Apprenticeship)
This assessment plan has been developed by employers to accompany and underpin the delivery of the carpentry and joinery in construction apprenticeship standard. The assessment plan incorporates the occupational requirements for both the site carpentry and architectural joinery pathways in the apprenticeship standard and how they will be tested.
The plan will help to ensure, through the use of a combination of assessment methods, that the required knowledge, skills and behaviours have been achieved over the duration of the apprenticeship and that the apprentice is fully competent in the occupational job role at the end of the apprenticeship.
Entry requirements
There are no formal vocational entry requirements but candidates must be able to achieve at least Level 1 English and maths. This will be assessed at the time of application.
Functional skills
Apprentices must complete, or have previously completed a recognised English and maths Level 1 qualification and taken the exams at Level 2 before successfully completing the apprenticeship.
It is expected that it will typically take 18-24 months for the apprentice to reach the required level of competence in the workplace, although it may be less if the individual already has significant training and practical experience.
On completion of this apprenticeship, some apprenticeship may progress onto the Advanced Apprenticeship Standard in Carpenter and Joinery, or secure employment as a Site Carpenter or Architectural joiner.
Levy paying employers may fund apprentices on this programme from their Apprenticeship account and non-levy paying SMEs through the co-funded option. There may be a small fee for some SME's.
End assessment
The end-point assessment consists of two key elements. A knowledge assessment that consists of a short written test lasting 45 minutes to include 35 questions designed to assess the apprentice's understanding of the core and specific knowledge and behavioural requirements then a practical assessment that is a skills test.