Engineering Operative (Apprenticeship Level 2)
The Engineering Operative Apprenticeship is a comprehensive program that provides aspiring engineering apprentices with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform a variety of operational tasks in the field of engineering. By completing this apprenticeship, participants will gain valuable hands-on experience and theoretical knowledge that will prepare them for a successful career in engineering. The apprenticeship offers learners the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in various job-related tasks, including maintaining equipment, operating machinery, assembling components and conducting quality control checks.
Entry Requirements:
Must achieve a minimum of Level 1 in initial assessments or already have GCSE A-C or 9-4.
Functional Skills:
Apprentices without Level 1 (or equivalent e.g., GCSE A-C or 9-4) in English and maths must ensure that apprentices achieve Level 1 and take the test for Level 2 prior to taking the endpoint assessment. For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement the apprenticeships English and maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3 and British Sign Language qualification are an alternative to English qualifications for whom this is their primary language.
18 months (Inc. EPA).
Completion of this Engineering Operative (Level 2) apprenticeship can lead to progression opportunities into the following careers:
Engineering Technician
Dependent on employer requirements, progression onto a Level 3 Apprenticeship
Levy paying employers may fund apprentices on this programme from their Apprenticeship Account and non-levy paying SMEs through the co-funded option. There may be a small fee for some SME’s
End Assessment:
The EPA consists of 2 assessment methods:
- Practical observation – to assess the apprentice’s application of skills within the apprentice’s place of work or in a suitable environment away from the workplace (for example In a centre approved by the EPAO)
- Professional discussion – to holistically assess KSBs across the standard and will be informed by reflective portfolio