Healthcare Assistant Practitioner (Level 5 Apprenticeship)
Introduction Assistant
Practitioners work as part of the wider Health and Social Care team and have direct contact with patients, service users or clients providing high quality and compassionate care. Assistant Practitioners work at a level above that of Healthcare Support Workers and have a more in-depth understanding about factors that influenced health and ill health.
As part of the apprenticeship you will have regular contact with your mentor to discuss your progress in the workplace as well as your personal tutorial and practice reviews with the work based facilitator at UCW.
Entry Requirements
People applying for this role will need to be in a suitable job role that is within the Healthcare arena. Your job role will need to be in frontline practice, involving regular contact with service users.
You will be enrolled on a Foundation Degree and will need to meet the entry requirements if the Higher Education Institution.
All potential candidates are interviewed by their employer and UCW staff. You should have already achieved English and maths at GCSE grade 4 or above, or equivalent, and should hold a level 3 care related qualification.
Functional Skills
Each potential candidate is assessed for English and Maths at the interview day. However, development of further English and maths skills will continue for the whole of the apprenticeship even if the functional skills are achieved before the end of the apprenticeship.
This apprenticeship lasts 2 years. The End Point Assessment will not be entered into until the completion of a FdSc.
On completion, apprentices will have a Level 5 Higher Apprenticeship in their chosen course and will be known as an Assistant Practitioner. They will be able to apply for a Band 4 role within their employment. For those Assistant Practitioners who wish to progress into Registered Practice the apprenticeship can provide credits into some Higher Education programmes aligned to professional registration in Adult Nursing.
Levy paying employers may fund apprentices on this programme from their Apprenticeship Account and non-levy paying SMEs through the co-funded option. There may be a small fee for some SME’s.
End Assessment
To achieve this apprenticeship standard, the employer, training provider and apprentice will agree, at a progression meeting, when the apprentice is ready and competent to undertake the independent end point assessment, which will test their skills knowledge and behaviours required for this role.