Level 1

Monday - Friday09:00 – 16:00
24 Mar 2025 (2 Weeks)

Preparing to Work in Early Years

This short course is designed to stimulate interest and encourage you to understand the skills and knowledge needed to care for young children.

It is aimed at a range of learners, including those who are thinking of working in childcare. It is also suitable for parents who wish to develop parenting skills, mature learners and young people needing to develop life skills.

The qualification you will gain is a Level 1 Certificate in Childcare.

There are 8 units to achieve this Gateway qualification; the first two are mandatory and the remaining units have been chosen to help you have an understanding of how to support children as they develop whether this is as a professional in a childcare setting or as a parent/carer.


  • Working in early year setting

  • Communicating with children

  • Building confidence through play

  • Sharing learning experiences with children

  • Technology activities for young children

  • Craft activities for young children

  • Routines for a young child

  • Healthy eating for families

We will look at a range of early year settings, this will give your insight into the types of settings that are available to young children. This will help you understand the wide range of job roles available. As adults, we must communicate effectively with children to enhance their language skills and ensure they feel valued.

You will study the different ways in which children learn and how they use all their senses to learn about the world in which they live. Play is an important part of children and young people's development. It allows them to learn in a safe and secure environment. Children learn through play, through experimenting and having fun. This unit will introduce you to the idea that children are learning all the time!

Technology is part of our everyday lives. Young children experience different forms of technology from a very early age. You will identify technology toys and activities that are appropriate for children of different ages and how it can help to promote learning and development. Young children love craft activities, you will consider the benefits to their development and any health and safety you need to be aware of when providing equipment and materials. Routines are vital in the care of a young child; you will understand the role they have in a child’s life. The final unit identifies healthy meals for families and considers the value of mealtime as well as safe practices when handling and storing food.

This Early Years course will prepare you to progress directly into employment or onto further learning as part of a progression pathway towards employment in the early years sector.

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