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Five Tips For A Healthier Diet In 2018


Martin Baker has recently taken the reigns as Head Chef of popular wedding venue, Rookery Manor, Weston-super-Mare.

As a professional chef, working long hours in a busy kitchen, Martin is only too aware of the importance of looking after health and diet. The tasty, calorie-rich dishes a chef cooks for guests at their workplace are often very different from the diet they tend to follow in between shifts and when off duty.

Martin has been working with Weston College through a chefs’ forum academy and has worked with students in the training kitchens on campus to give them a taste of what is expected of them once they make their way into the world of work. Martin is looking forward to welcoming catering students from Weston College into his kitchen for work experience at Rookery Manor.

Load up on fruit

Fruit and veg are packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre - Follow this rule and you’re less likely to get high cholesterol high blood pressure and some cancers - Remember your five a day!

Eat better fats

Saturated and trans fats raise bad cholesterol levels and cause heart disease. Cut out bacon, butter, untrimmed meats… also cookies and crackers are a ‘no-no’. Swap full fat milk to semi-skimmed and try a turkey burger next time you fancy its beefy cousin!

Drink lots of water

Cut out carbonated drinks, sports drinks and coffee - six to eight pints of water per day flushes out toxins!

Eat more fibre

t reduces belly fat, gives you greater energy and lowers the chance of type 2 diabetes. Eat whole grain bread and whole meal pasta. Cook with brown rice instead of white.

Cut down portion sizes

Grab a smaller plate for food – the smaller the plate, the smaller the portion – You will still feel the satisfaction of eating a full plate.

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