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School leavers’ event to take the headache out of tricky decisions.


Weston College is running a free event to help school leavers make decisions about their future.

‘What Next?’ will provide pupils in school years 10 and 11 – and their parents – with advice and information about qualifications, courses and career pathways.

They will get to speak to expert College staff and employers, and have a go at a range of work-related activities.

The event takes place from 5.30-7.30pm on Wednesday 2nd October at the Winter Gardens in Weston.

Ben Cocks, Assistant Director and the College’s Careers Leader, said: “Leaving school is a daunting time for young people and their parents. They are bombarded with a range of confusing terms and asked to make choices that will affect the rest of their lives.

“’What Next’? is designed to take the headache out of those decisions, and explain the confusing educational jargon and how it relates to them. With new qualifications such as T Levels being introduced, alongside exceedingly dynamic UK industry sectors, it’s important that young people know what skills, knowledge and behaviours will be needed to be successful in tomorrow’s job market’

“We wanted this to be different to your usual careers convention and really focus on giving people access to employers and industry experts. It’s a fantastic opportunity for young people who are leaving school in 2020 or 2021 as they’ll get to talk to knowledgeable staff and employers from all over the UK in a fun, friendly environment.”

The College’s expert careers team will be on hand to offer guidance on a range of work-related topics, including:

  • Exploring career opportunities
  • Weighing up options and making decisions
  • Job hunting and applications
  • CV writing
  • Applying to university and student finance

School leavers will be able to meet a range of employers and experience the world of work, by having a go at some exciting industry demonstrations.

Those baffled by the range of subjects, qualifications and levels available at College, will have the opportunity to talk to lecturers about courses, levels and the grades they might need.

Click here for more information and to register your attendance

If you would like advice on qualifications or careers, call 01934 411 415 or email aspect@weston.ac.uk

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