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What Has Weston College Been Up To This Year?


The 2016/17 academic year was an exciting and ambitious year for the Weston College Group, which saw record success rates and the creation of sector-leading facilities. These successes were appraised at the College's annual Business Breakfast, which broght together hundreds of businesspeople from across the South West. Here is a summary of what the College did between September 2016 and August 2017...

We’ve received national recognition for our teaching

The Association of Colleges was so impressed with our teaching that they awarded us two out of the 11 Beacon Awards presented this year. Judges recognised our work towards creating an inclusive and engaging learning environment for our students with special educational needs and disabilities and our offender learners.

We’ve invested £25 million in our facilities

The money has gone towards refurbishing classrooms, installing the latest technology, and creating some of the most high-tech learning environments in the country. Most impressively, the successful refurbishment of the Winter Gardens has secured the building’s future as a community asset. We plan to invest a further £20 million in the current academic year to create specialist facilities for health, sport and construction.

Our success rates are at an all-time high

Our 16-18 achievement rates grew by 4% to 86.5%, and 90.7% of our adult learners successfully completed their courses. The overwhelming majority of our apprentices were taken on by their employers at the end of their course. Our 90% student satisfaction rate places us 18th on the FE Choices survey of colleges across the country.

We’ve been working with businesses to create apprenticeships

We work with over 1,400 businesses to deliver apprenticeships, and our new relationships with employers such as the Bristol Port Company, the Ministry of Defence and Rolls Royce means that we are bringing more and more apprenticeship opportunities to young people and adults across the South West.

We’ve put on free courses for the community

2017 saw us announce our first free adult leisure courses to great success. The courses helped hundreds of adults reengage with education, as well as teaching them some useful skills such as car mechanics, cooking, dancing and bricklaying.

For more information, contact the Marketing Department


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