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Social Media for Business

08 July 2021 10:30 – 13:00


As part of the Workforce for the Future Project, with West of England Combined Authority, we are delighted to offer, Build Back Better.

The new series will explore emerging topical themes, and provide, hints, tips, guidance and advice to SME’s to support them and their business growth.

The social media training focuses on how you should be using social media for your business. It will leave you with actionable tips on how to engage your audience and provide genuine return on investment.

By the end of the session, you’ll know how to optimise social media for your business. You'll also leave with a guide on how to create personas for your business and manage your social media in under 20 minutes a day.

Izzy will give you practical advice, show examples and set exercises so you can get inspired to manage your own social media effectively. You'll learn:

  • How to create successful strategies for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn
  • How to understand who your audience is and what kind of content you should be producing
  • The basics of advertising on social platforms
  • The basics of measuring the impact of your activity
  • How to create low cost, high impact social media campaigns.

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