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Sirona Care & Health Join Forces with Weston College to Find Future Talent


With the UK poised for high career growth as it emerges from the pandemic and employers looking to recruit the best talent to succeed in a post Brexit economy, Weston College has launched Career Excellence Hubs which will be introduced from September 2021.

Every subject area in Weston College, including health and social care, has signed up to the Career Excellence Charter, which further cements Weston College’s ethos of providing careers and not courses, with students having access to employers, which brings opportunities to maximise their potential and showcase their talent.

As a Future Talent Business Partner, Sirona care & health is pledging its support to develop young people and help them become industry ready, and will have the opportunity to:

  • Co-design training provision
  • Create an inspirational learning experience
  • Provide the skills training required for their business and wider industry
  • Deliver a talented workforce for the industry will thrive

Janet Rowse, Chief Executive of Sirona care & health said:

“This is a really exciting and valuable initiative set up by Weston College and we feel privileged to be a Future Talent Business Partner. We offer a full range of rewarding careers in health and social care and this partnership will enable young people to access hands on experience and see first-hand the many and varied opportunities there are. It is also helping to build a bright and prosperous future for the next generation.”

Andrew Webster, Education Sector Manager – Further Education & Skills at The Careers & Enterprise Company, said: “The team at Weston College don’t just work on one off projects about careers and the world of work, they work strategically, embedding information and examples about careers into so much of what they do. All of this means their young people are as well prepared as possible to take on the future.”

Dr Paul Phillips CBE, Principal and Chief Executive of Weston College Group, added: “At Weston College, our mission statement is ‘creating brighter futures’ and we passionately believe in helping all our students reach their ultimate goal, focussing on their future employability and developing the skills they will need to have a successful career. “We are therefore thrilled to announce that we are introducing our Career Excellence Hubs across our provision from September. Our learners will be receiving unrivalled career benefits unique to Weston College that give them the opportunity to become career ready, get ahead and stand out from the crowd! “I’m also delighted to be working with Sirona care & health, who will play a real key role in our new Career Excellence Hubs, and we are very excited to get them underway and support our learners.”

Find out more about Career Excellence Hubs, here.

Sirona care and health, Career Excellence Hub, Weston College


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