The Students' Union (SU) helps to drive improvements across the college, putting students first when important decisions are made and representing the student body.
This elected team of students work together to create a diverse and inclusive community, encouraging engagement in trips, events, clubs & societies.
The SU works closely with Wellbeing to ensure that the correct support is available to students in order to cover matters such as Health & Wellbeing, Housing, Finance, Libraries & Learning.
Become a Student Rep
Reps are learners who represent student interests. They have a responsibility to listen to learner voice and raise important issues at the monthly committee meetings.
Join the Executive Commitee
Roles within the Executive Team include President, Vice President, Secretary, Sustainability Officer, Campus Officer and Enrichment Officer.

Aleksandar Spasov
SU President, Loxton Campus
Hi, I am Aleks Spasov. As someone who was not born in the UK and having moved here, I understand the importance of having a voice. As well as this to be honest I have struggled with mental health in the past and that is why I believe it is important to have a voice to be able to express opinions for the betterment of everyone...

Ethan Rolfe
Knightstone Campus Officer
While in the role of Campus officer I want to maintain a strong relationship between students and staff. Listen to my peers and their feedback and I aim to work on making my department more green.

Izabella Williams
Vice President, Loxton Campus
I am very approachable to both year ones and twos and I think this will help me succeed as I believe if any students have a specific want/need they can come to me and I can work with the college to accommodate them.

Stevie Thomas
UCW Campus Officer

Anne Le
South West Skills Campus Officer

President Vacancy Open Soon!
Nominations for student union executive members are now open! Email below for more information.

Vice President Vacancy Open!
Nominations for student union executive members are now open! Email below for more information.

Secretary Vacancy Open!
Nominations for student union executive members are now open! Email below for more information.

Sustainability Officer Vacancy Open Soon!
Nominations for student union executive members are now open! Email below for more information.

Enrichment Officer Vacancy Open Soon!
Nominations for student union executive members are now open! Email below for more information.
What happens in the election?
First you will need to choose a role you would like to run for, then nominate yourself via emailing the Student Participation Officer at student.union@weston.ac.uk.
Once you hear from the Student Participation Officer, they will help you create a manifesto and a campaign poster to be used around college. You will be given 1-2 weeks to promote your campaign and ask people to vote for you.
Voting starts Monday 16th September 2024 and every student at the college will have the opportunity to vote.
If you are the candidate with the most votes, you will be in that role in the next academic year, starting in the following September.
When you join us, you will automatically join the Students' Union and can apply for an NUS Totum Card, which offers discounts and savings at stores across the country and online!