Alumni Reunite with Health and Social Care Teacher!

Four Health and Social Care Alumni, Finn, Jade, Nonna and Emily, had a long overdue reunion with their teacher, Sarah-Jane, a week ago. We were able to catch up with them to find out what they had been up to in their time since leaving the college, including their time so far at university, and their plans for the future.
The four had all progressed onto university courses in the Health and Social Care field, with Jade, Finn and Nonna opting for Adult Nursing, and Emily completing Paramedic Sciences.
Each student excitedly spoke about how their level 3 course at college prepared them for the tricky transition up to university, Finn sharing, “It was quite hard for a little bit because we were using Zoom – we used zoom and teams sometimes at college so it helped to prepare us, but trying to meet new people was difficult. Sarah-Jane used to teach us in the way that uni lecturers do though, where they put the slides on the screen and just talk. That definitely helped us get used to that style of teaching!”
Jade commented, “I actually found the transition really easy! The first module was basically what I had learnt at college, which made me more confident as I knew what I was doing. My first assignment was similar to ones we’d done previously at college, so I felt fully prepared!”
The students also shared their favourite part of studying at Weston College; Finn told us, “Undoubtedly the social side. I’m not from Weston so I didn’t know anyone when I first started, but you meet so many people so quickly. It really helps build your social skills which is so important when going into Nursing.”
Nonna and Jade added, “The lessons in the Sim Room (the simulation industry-standard hospital ward on campus) were incredibly helpful in preparing us for the nitty gritty of personal care, as well as the work placements we were lucky enough to complete. Both of these helped all of us out so much in getting a head start on our courses at uni!”
Our four learners all hope to go into nursing after gaining their degree! Finn hopes to specialise in burns and trauma, and plans on staying in the nursing career for “the next forty odd years”! Jade is looking into working in sexual health, though recently did a placement on an endoscopy unit which she also found really interesting. Nonna plans to travel with her nursing degree, and hopes it can take her to Australia. Emily would love to become a paramedic, and in the future specialise in critical care.
Congratulations to all our amazing alumni for how far they’ve come since leaving college, and good luck for their incredibly promising futures!
If you're interested in courses in Health and Social Care, click here!