- Maintains documentation to track and log work in progress and completed.
- Advises on and installs operating soft/firm ware and may carry out upgrades.
- Repairs or replaces defective components.
- Diagnoses hardware related faults.
- Installs, tests and maintains computer-related hardware (processors, memory chips, circuit boards, displays, sensors, data storage devices, printers, etc.) according to given specifications.
Typical Education Level
Honours, Bachelor's degree
Will retirement created job openings
In the UK, 11% in this profession are aged 55 or above.* They will likely retire in the next 10 years, creating a demand for new workers
*This is based on national data
£26,427 Average wage
Average annual earnings
The current average wage for tv, video or audio engineer is £26,427

1,230 positions
Current Employment
The number of jobs in the career for the current year is 1,230. Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons, and do not distinguish between full- and part-time jobs.

Job Postings
Over the past year, jobs have been posted for tv, video or audio engineer roles.

How well does it pay?
Normal pay for this occupation is £26,427 per year. That is about £2,202 per month or £13.55 per hour. New workers generally start on £18,436, while highly experienced workers can earn as much as £41,900
Is it growing or declining?
This career has remained the same over the last 2 years, and is expected to remain the same over the next 4 years. Currently, 1,230 people are employed in the region.