Level 1 Learners Visit Local Salon for Work Experience!

The wonderful Level 1 Hairdressing learners were welcomed by Emma, the salon owner of Unique Hair, for work experience in an industry standard salon. Unique Hair is an independently run hair salon, local to the college, currently underway to becoming a Career Excellence Hub ambassador. This results in the college and the salon working very closely together to ensure the content in the course is of upmost importance to the learners, and even results in work experience opportunities which otherwise would not be offered to L1 learners!
Emma had six Level 1 learners in total spread over three Mondays, where she opened the salon especially for work experience days. Emma sourced her own clients for the learners to work on, undergoing treatments such as meeting and greeting clients, shampooing, conditioning and applying treatments, as well as blow-drying, curling and setting clients’ hair. This gave the students the chance to use industry-standard equipment, and experience first-hand, what a day working in the salon would be like.
While Level 1 learners would not usually gain the opportunity to have work experience, Emma was so keen to help out and allow the students to develop employability skills to increase success in their futures in the industry. The students commented, “It was such a great opportunity, and really helpful experience for what working day to day in a salon would be like. Emma was great at explaining everything, and really kind when explaining everything, including the new techniques. We’d absolutely love to go back!”
The learners’ tutor, Kelly, told us, “It has been amazing to see the development of their skills since this experience!”
Rachel Harrison, the Workplace Coordinator for Hair, Beauty and Hospitality commented: “The learners absolutely loved their time at the salon, and having the chance to try out new products; the opportunity was invaluable for the learners. Here at Weston College, we focus on finding the learner’s career aspirations first, then assist in how they can reach this. Having a whole day in an industry-standard salon is one of the most beneficial ways to help in reaching their dream jobs; I am so grateful to Emma for her kindness and hospitality towards the learners, and being their mentor for the whole day! I hope we are able to provide this work experience to Level 1 learners in the future!”