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Your Hair Questions Answered


For part two of our hair and beauty special, Sandra Bull, Weston College’s Hair and Beauty Curriculum Manager (who has over 25 years’ experience in the hairdressing industry), answers some of the most frequently asked hairdressing questions…

Click here to read part one of our hair and beauty special!

How often should I shampoo my hair?

This depends on your hair type and personal preferences. Your hair can actually clean itself, however your hair naturally dehydrates during the day from wind, pollution and sunlight, so washing it regularly is important to maintain its health.

It’s important to make sure you wash your hair with a shampoo made for your hair type, and always double wash.

Oily hair should be washed daily and dry hair should be washed a maximum of three times per week using a smaller amount of shampoo. If you’re a brunette or have curly hair you can wash it every two to three days.

How can I make my hair feel soft?

First of all, brush your hair before and after showering to get rid of any knots or tangles. Brushing before helps you to shampoo and condition your hair. When you’re in the shower, use shampoo and conditioner that matches your hair type. When shampooing, soak your hair and use lukewarm water. A good tip is to use half the amount of shampoo you usually use but wash your hair twice.

Turn the water’s heat down when conditioning and comb the conditioner evenly through your hair. To ensure the conditioner isn’t washed out, turn the shower off while doing this. Rinse the conditioner out of your hair with cold water as this seals the cuticle and gives your hair a good shine.

Don’t blow dry as this can damage and dry out your hair. Instead, use a towel to pat it dry.

How can I find out more about hairdressing?

Weston College offers a range of hair and barbering courses from introductory level right up to salon management at Level 4. These courses can give you practical experience with real clients and enable you to learn from industry professionals.

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